CPV module, which is solar module, is the key component to convert sunlight into electric energy. CPV modules are made of GaAs semiconductors, which are very similar to semiconductors used to make integrated circuits for electronic devices. The most common type of semiconductor used at present is made of silicon crystal. Silicon crystals are laminated into n-type and p-type layers and stacked on top of each other. Light irradiation on the crystal will cause "photovoltaic effect", thus generating electric energy. The electricity generated is called direct current (DC) and can be used immediately or stored in cells. For systems installed in homes served by the public grid, devices called inverters convert electricity to alternating current (AC), the standard power source used in residential buildings.
Solar cell is a device that converts light energy into electricity directly. Solar cells or CPV cells are based on the principle of photovoltaic effect. They convert sunlight into direct current (DC).However, a single photovoltaic cell cannot generate enough power.
Silicon crystals are laminated into p-type and n-type layers and stacked on top of each other. Light irradiation on the crystal will cause "photovoltaic effect", thus generating electric energy.
Solar cells are sandwiched between n-type silicon and p-type silicon. It generates electricity by using sunlight to make electrons jump over connections between different flavors of silicon:
When sunlight hits a cell, photons (light particles) bombard the upper surface.
Photons (yellow spots) carry energy down through the cell.
Photons release energy to electrons (green spots) in the lower p-type layer.
Electrons use this energy to jump over the barrier into the upper n-type layer and escape into the circuit.
Electrons flowing around the circuit light up the lamp.
Solar cells provide economical and friendly energy
Solar cells offer a great opportunity to save electricity
The most important thing is that solar energy is a real renewable energy.
Maintenance costs are too low.